Candy Floss

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  • Granulated sugar
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Flavoring extract (optional)
  • Equipment:


1. Set up your cotton candy machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Usually, you’ll need to turn the machine on to preheat.

2.  In a clean, dry bowl, mix granulated sugar with a few drops of food coloring for color and a small amount of flavoring extract (like vanilla or raspberry) for flavor. The coloring and flavoring are optional but can add variety to your candy floss.

3. Once the machine is heated and ready, pour a spoonful of the sugar mixture into the center of the machine’s spinner. As the sugar heats up, it will start to melt and spin out in thin threads. Use a cotton candy cone or a stick to collect the threads as they form. Twirl the stick around to gather the candy floss.

4. Continue adding small amounts of the sugar mixture to produce more candy floss. Be careful not to overfill the machine to avoid clogging it.

5. Once you’ve collected enough candy floss on the cone or stick, serve and enjoy your homemade sweet treat!



Nethmi Rodrigo

Nethmi Rodrigo

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